Our Impact

Corporate responsibility

At APS, corporate social responsibility is more than just a business strategy: it’s the ethical imperative to shape the future of the world we all share. At APS, we are aware of the challenges facing our world and we strive to make a positive impact. We have developed a long-term strategy to help us to achieve this goal.

The Seeding Knowledge Foundation

Charitable activities can help to change lives in both the short and long term. At APS, we have always endorsed these activities as a core part of our identity. In recent years, we have focused our charitable efforts through the Seeding Knowledge Foundation. This foundation has been dedicated to empowering social groups whose voices might otherwise fade into the background.

Charitable organizations

The strategy consists of three main pillars: charitable activities, environmental activities, and supporting non-governmental organizations helping senior citizens. Apart from this, there are also employee grassroots initiatives within APS as well as fundraising activities to support specific causes. These are commonly found at all of our offices. To accomplish our strategy, we design our policies and business practices with responsibility in mind. We practise the highest standards of ethics and transparency.

Dedicated to empowering social groups voices

Our employees help us to take it further

But we don’t stop at endorsement alone. Our employees help us to take it further through their grassroots charitable activities. We believe that change starts from within, and the enthusiasm and commitment of our team members to make a difference is truly astonishing.

Our employees are the heart and soul of our charitable efforts.

By supporting grassroots activities led by our employees, we aim to not just contribute to positive change, but also foster a culture of compassion and action.


For APS, support for elderly citizens goes beyond corporate responsibility and lies at the heart and soul of our strategy. That is why we work with Elpida. This organization publishes the magazine Vital, which has a target audience of seniors, and also runs a centre full of seminars and other activities for elderly citizens.

APS is also committed to supporting education and equal opportunity. This includes women who find themselves in a difficult social situation. This is why we supported organisation called Metráž. Sustainable and slow fashion, zero waste and the processing of materials that seemingly have no further use is key for Metráž.

We are not just a sponsor; we are a steadfast, long-term partner. Together, we are weaving a safety net of care, respect, and joy that spans generations.


We always strive to protect the environment and realize that change begins at the office. Our company headquarters moved to a more efficient and less energy-demanding office building. We are also becoming more and more paperless. These efforts have resulted in a lower carbon footprint for our operations.

For years, we have been working together with the organization Újezdský strom and have managed to plant over 250 new trees. Healthy forests are essential for offsetting carbon released into the atmosphere. In Greece we volunteered to be a part of a beach cleaning initia¬tive organized by the Hellenic Loan Servicers Association.

They demonstrated dedication to environment preserva¬tion and community engagement as they made a positive impact on the local coastal wetland of Agios Nikolaos.

The need to reduce our environmental impact is fundamental to assist in safeguarding our planet to secure the well-being and future of all life on Earth.