RHAPSODY – APS Czech Republic


Established in 2021.

Subfund of APS CREDIT FUND SICAV, a commingled regulated fund domiciled in the Czech Republic.

RHAPSODY raised more than EUR 31,6 million during the one-time subscription period.

During the Q4/2024, RHAPSODY expanded its investment portfolio by acquiring three portfolios in Bulgaria (comprising two retail-unsecured and one mixed-unsecured portfolios), a retail-secured portfolio in Poland, a retail-unsecured portfolio in Romania, and a mixed tail portfolio, which includes a collection of tail portfolios from various countries. Additionally, we have closed three more portfolios in Romania, the Czech Republic, and Croatia, with completion expected in the first quarter of 2025, now summing up to 39 portfolios (excluding seven that have been closed). Currently, our investments span nine countries, with the largest concentration of portfolios in Romania, closely followed by Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Hungary. The investment period for purchasing portfolios by RHAPSODY concluded at the end of 2024, shifting our focus to ongoing collections. Our results align with our objectives, and collections are surpassing expectations on a cumulative basis across all portfolios.

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Performance Graph

* Investment horizon: 3 years after the end of capital raising, with the possibility of 2 one-year extensions.

Investment by Country

Investment by Portfolio Type

Investment Overview

Investment VehicleInvestment shares
Fund Base CurrencyCZK
Fund AdministratorQI investiční společnost, a.s.
RegulatorCzech National Bank
DepositaryUniCredit Bank, a.s.
AuditorECOVIS blf s.r.o.
Target MarketsCEE & SEE1
Asset ClassAlternative assets (NPLs & RE)2
Investment Period3 years after the end of capital raising
Investment Horizon3 years plus 2 one-year extensions
First EntryNovember 2021 – February 2022
Target Return12% p.a. (net of fees)

Fund’s projects

Secured Projects17
Unsecured Projects19
Mixed Projects5
Fixed Income5
NAV Return1,2067 (v CZK) 1,2190 (v EUR)
Nominal Value of the Projects in mil. EUR1 2263
1 CEE & SEE: Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 NPLs & RE: Non-performing loans and Real Estate
3 The total nominal value of the projects equal to the % share, which is owned by subfund RHAPSODY